Sprint 1: How TDD and careful approach design promotes a smoother & bugless developmentThinking inside-out and outside-in at the same time.Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Django REST’s Template Method Pattern and Other Patterns plugged inOne of the main power of Django-REST is within its deep and broad (yet flexible) templating. This is, in fact, the main reason we chose…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
A scalable future for our little appGrowing your app is not as simple as putting more power to the servers. This post will discuss the things we could do to our software…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Understanding People in Collaborative DevelopmentThe people are the team, and it is the utmost importance to understand the right expectations and the vital key points on building…Apr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
CI/CD: Increase your Development PaceTo automate and ultimayour deployment chores, once and for allApr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
How Alignment Improves Team DynamicsSet the goals, affirm the belief, execute, reflect, commit, and grow on.Apr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
Your Team Deserves Clean Codesit’s not gonna make the code nor the computer works any better, it’s gonna make the developers work betterApr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020
Agile, where coding get cultured and the culture codifiedAgile defines how we interact with clients, fellow developers, the work within the project, and the codes.Mar 18, 2020Mar 18, 2020
TDD: Perspective Renewed — another valueTest Driven Development, a stumbling block of many, a supporting block of more.Mar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020